Uniform Wear
Looking Sharp in CAP Uniforms
CAP members are authorized to wear CAP distinctive uniforms as well as uniforms similar to the U.S. Air Force. Civil Air Patrol uses distinctive emblems, insignia, and badges to identify individuals wearing the Air Force-style uniforms as CAP members. Wear of the Air Force-style uniforms, as well as the insignia, badges, and devices worn on these uniforms are as prescribed by the Commander CAP-USAF with the approval of Headquarters USAF. Civil Air Patrol prescribes wear policy and the use of CAP emblems, insignia, and badges on the CAP distinctive uniforms. Members electing to wear the Air Force-style uniforms must meet the weight and grooming standards prescribed in CAPR 39-1.
Basic wear instructions for our most common uniform combinations are available by clicking the information below.
- Cadet male AF-style service uniform
- Cadet female AF-style service uniform
- Cadet ABU uniform (note, BDU’s are no longer authorized, effective 15 JUN 2021)
- Senior member male AF-style service uniform
- Senior member female AF-style service uniform
- Senior member Battle Dress uniform
- Aviator shirt and gray slacks combination